Hotel Yotel

by Dave on December 7, 2008

in Video

I’m on my way to Stockholm, where I will be doing some social reporting and blog coaching at Cisco’s Public Sector Summit.

I’m flying from Heathrow tomorrow (Monday) morning, at 7.25am and to save myself a bit of hassle I am stopping over tonight so all I have to do is roll out of bed, onto a bus and I should be at terminal five within ten minutes.

I’m staying in the Yotel in terminal four, which specialises in, well, tiny rooms! I knew it was going to be small, but was quite shocked when I walked in the door of my ‘cabin’. I made a quick video with my Flip Ultra to demonstrate just how bijou this room is:

I must say, I have never been quite so scared of falling out of bed!

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Pete Ashton December 8, 2008 at 12:04 am

Looks a hell of a lot like the Micro Compact Home!

There was one of these on show in Birmingham last year and it was rather mad. A little better designed than yours I think (it had way more storage space and could sleep 4) but same principles.

How much are you paying? Having spent £80 on a hotel room at Gatwick for about 4 hours last year this is very intriguing!

2 bob ashley December 8, 2008 at 11:03 am

The roomette is kinda cute in a nomadic sorta way. Kinda encourages one to get out and join the bigger space in the social milieu.

Got everything you need!


3 Lee Kemp December 14, 2008 at 1:02 pm

that’s tiny.

This massive desire I’m now getting to go stay at Heathrow can only come from the same biological wellspring that tells you sleeping in a tent in your own garden at the age of 8 is awesome.

I don’t have a reason to go to Heathrow so I’m probably just go and get my tent out.

And flip video cameras are awesome.

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