Awesomeness off of the internet for December 6th to December 8th:
- Local Government Data – The Government will encourage local government to release local public data and make it free for reuse, and establish an open-platform local data exchange.
- Assistly – make your customers smile
– Interesting online customer service application:"Turn your customers into evangelists by providing outstanding support"
- Communications, social marketing and behavioural change – "Over the past few years, social marketing has grown in prominence as a branch of marketing that’s focussed on delivering public good from marketing rather than the commercial benefits that sit behind much conventional marketing theory."
- Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0: Draft report for comment | Government 2.0 Taskforce – "Here is the draft Government 2.0 Taskforce report Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0. The Taskforce is seeking your comments and input before finalising the report to go to Government."
- Tweetwally – Create a Tweetwall to Organize and Present Tweets – Am liking this! "A tweetwall lets you display only the tweets you’re interested in from everywhere on Twitter, use it to track hashtags, usernames, and keywords. The possibilities are up to you."